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The Friday group is happy about the little ones with Monika and Julia - welcome!
- super that now Rosa Valentina has joined us
(Regina, Kathi and me.

Jattle, BAM + Poetry
Albert Schweitzer Haus
Grätzlmixer (Vienna week)
and Künstlerhaus (factory)

0"SPINNING WHEEL at Kultursommer Wien

We had to accept many painful cancellations because of Corona
(performances, workshops, trainings, labs, meetings).
Some of it was moved to the net, but some of it is lost forever.

Whenever it was possible, we danced:
in the Kurpark Oberlaa
Lecture at the Schule für Sozialberufe
ImPulsTanz Public Moves with Frans Poelstra
DanceAbility at the Arsenal
Dance workshop for Amnesty
Association Grenzenlos
Labs Künstlerhaus with Frans
and of course with the Friday group

Symposium Kulturvermittlung St. Pölten
Gespräch mit tanz.at
Vortrags und Talk tamed-Kongress
Pilotfilm dancemap (Lisa Mai)
Lecture ‚Villa‘ (Leipzig)
Video ‚Ergebnisoffene Prozesse‘ Lecture Brunel-Uni London (GB)
Video für ‚Wiener Lichtblicke‘ mit Žiga Jereb
Trailer Mellow Yellow ‚FROTZN DIE KROTZN‘ mit Silk
Everybody Electric small und Workshop Leipzig (D)
Podiumsdiskussion für ‚Tanz und Eis‘ Berlin (D)

Performances, die glücklicherweise stattfanden
Wiener Lichtblicke (Platz der Menschenrechte)
habitat pandemic Basel (CH)
habitat pandemic Warschau (PL)
Brus-Day (mit SlowForward)
Diversity Ball (Duett mit Futurelove Sibanda)
Labs und Performance Wienwoche
habitat Amsterdam (NL)

Workshop Festival Body IQ Berlin (D)
Panel Diskussion beim Festival Body IQ Berlin
Interview Radio Radieschen (mit Cornelia Scheuer)

In June and September we had action days and -weeks with Mellow Yellow.
For the Erasmus+ project DOOL (Dance out of Line)
we finally had a personal meeting in Pacuq (SLO).
During the press tour at Belvedere 21 in June
the topic was the networking of MAD and the Alpine Club with Mellow Yellow.

details ...

last update: 12.10.2023