DanceAbility is a way to dance, that is open for everyone -
for experienced or less experienced dancers, for people with
or without disabilities.
In workshops, we use improvisation, in order to experience equality
and respect for all bodies.
In our artistic research, we want to discover things that connect us.
The aim of the workshops is, to let people develope their own body-language
and follow their own interests and desires, to trust their intuition
and find their own space.
DanceAbility brings people together - with all their differences and different
stories. They dance, they have fun, they unroll their artistic selves and
find a common body-language.
Art doesnt come from the outside - it grows within. It is the experience of
what happens inside us, and then - the ability to find a language for it.
Every single body-language has its own inner beauty, and therefore it plays
a very valuable and appreciated role within our work.